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How to convert string to PChar?

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 2:37 am
by tiger2616
Hi, All

Can anyone help me on how to convert string to PChar?

Please find the code below, I need to use bar time as part of the object name, and join some words too.

This code works well under FT2, but reports error on FT3 and FT4.

"Access violation at address 566F4B71 in module 'MSVCR120.dll'. Read of address 00000000"

It would appreciated if some one can point me to the right direction.


void Draw_Outer(int i, int j)

string name1 = "QJ ";
string name2 = name1 + to_string(Time(i));
string name3 = "Tx_" + to_string(Time(i));
string name4 = name1 + name3;
int z;

if (!ObjectExists((char*)name2.c_str()) && !ObjectExists((char*)name4.c_str()))
if (QJUpOrDnTBuffer[i] == 1 )// up trend

z = iHighest(Symbol(), Timeframe(), MODE_HIGH, i - j, j + 1);

ObjectCreate((char*)name2.c_str(), obj_TrendLine, 0, Time(i), High(z), Time(j), High(z));
ObjectSet((char*)name2.c_str(), OBJPROP_COLOR, QJ_QJLine_Color_UP);
ObjectCreate((char*)name4.c_str(), obj_Text, 0, (Time(int((i + j) / 2))), High(z) + QJ_TextDistance * Point());
ObjectSetText((char*)name4.c_str(), to_string(i - j + int(fabs(QJDHRCounterBuffer[i]))), 10, "Arial", QJ_QJLine_Color_UP);

QJDrawnBuffer[i] = 1;

else if ( QJUpOrDnTBuffer[i] == -1 )// down trend

z = iLowest(Symbol(), Timeframe(), MODE_LOW, i - j, j + 1);

ObjectCreate((char*)name2.c_str(), obj_TrendLine, 0, Time(i), Low(z), Time(j), Low(z));
ObjectSet((char*)name2.c_str(), OBJPROP_COLOR, QJ_QJLine_Color_DN);
ObjectCreate((char*)name4.c_str(), obj_Text, 0, (Time(int((i + j) / 2))), Low(z) - QJ_TextDistance * Point());
ObjectSetText((char*)name4.c_str(), to_string(i - j + int(fabs(QJDHRCounterBuffer[i]))), 10, "Arial", QJ_QJLine_Color_DN);

QJDrawnBuffer[i] = -1;

ObjectSet((char*)name2.c_str(), OBJPROP_WIDTH, 2);



Re: How to convert string to PChar?

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 6:31 pm
by tiger2616

I figured it out!