Forex Tester Historical Data. Paid Tick Data For Backtesting
Historical Data

Autumn sale

Monthly Super Data Subscription*
$39 month / $56
Buy data subscription
Annual Super Data Subscription*

$199 year / $310

$16.58 month / $25.83

Buy data subscription
Compared to monthly Super Data subscription, buying an annual subscription Saves: $22.42 month or $269 year!
Lifetime package Super Data*

$439 / $850

One-time payment

Buy data subscription

Compared to monthly Super Data Subscription: Lifetime package pays off in 1 year!

* - Only for the Paid version of Forex Tester.
Buy Forex Tester

Detailed comparison of
Basic Data and Super Data

Forex Tester
Forex Tester &
Basic Data
Forex Tester &
Super Data
Saving and loading Projects

No way to save and load projects

You have 1 hour of uninterrupted testing in the free trial version of Forex Tester and you cannot save projects. The ability to save projects in the full version of Forex Tester lets you resume testing anytime you need and get back to your testing results.


Unlimited saving and loading


Unlimited saving and loading

Testing duration

1 hour of uninterrupted testing


Unlimited testing time


Unlimited testing time

1 month of data for backtesting

23 years of medium quality real historical data

Up to 23 years of premium* quality historical data

* - We control the quality of historical data and provide only those data intervals that we are 100% sure of, regarding both minute and tick data.

Historical data for testing

Total 18 symbols

Total 18 symbols

Total 860 symbols


No tick data


No tick data

Tick data of high and premium quality

Forex tick data shows the real non-simplified market conditions. If the price changed 45 times during the current candlestick then you need to see all those changes. 1-min data will only show 4 prices to you: open, high, low, and close. With Forex tick data you will also get that specific feeling as if you are trading online. This is a crucial factor in your psychological growth as a trader.


No floating spread


No floating spread

Floating spread included

Not only do the price and volumes change on the Forex market, but the spread tends to be different depending on the varying circumstances on the market. Before and especially during big news the spread can become altered significantly. You might learn the simplified version of Forex, then go to a real market and find out that your version has nothing to deal with reality.

Monthly data updates

Monthly data updates

Daily data updates

Only USD-related news (high priority)

Only USD-related news (high priority)

News for 9 currencies (high, medium, low priorities)

We have added a historical news service for those traders who use fundamental analysis as an additional source of information for their predictions in order to bring the test results as close as possible to reality. You can find news (high, medium, and low impact) for 9 currencies (AUD, CAD, CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, JPY, NZD, USD) in the full version of Forex Tester.






Majors - 7 pairs, medium quality

1 month of data for backtesting
1 month of data for backtesting
1 month of data for backtesting
1 month of data for backtesting
1 month of data for backtesting
1 month of data for backtesting
1 month of data for backtesting

Majors - 7 pairs, medium quality

Jan 1, 2001 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2001 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2001 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2001 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2001 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2001 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2001 Yesterday

Majors - 7 pairs, premium* quality

May 6, 2003 Yesterday
May 6, 2003 Yesterday
Aug 5, 2003 Yesterday
Aug 5, 2003 Yesterday
May 6, 2003 Yesterday
May 6, 2003 Yesterday
Oct 1, 2009 Yesterday
  • · No data
  • · 1-minute data, medium quality since Jan 1, 2001
  • · 1-minute and tick data, premium* quality

* - We control the quality of historical data and provide only those data intervals that we are 100% sure of, regarding both minute and tick data.

Crosses - 9 pairs, medium quality

1 month of data for backtesting
1 month of data for backtesting
1 month of data for backtesting
1 month of data for backtesting
1 month of data for backtesting
1 month of data for backtesting
1 month of data for backtesting
1 month of data for backtesting
1 month of data for backtesting

Crosses - 9 pairs, medium quality

Jan 1, 2001 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2001 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2001 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2001 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2001 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2001 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2001 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2001 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2001 Yesterday

Crosses - 29 pairs, premium* quality

Jan 1, 2009 Yesterday
Dec 2, 2003 Yesterday
Dec 13, 2006 Yesterday
Jul 19, 2005 Yesterday
Aug 5, 2003 Yesterday
Apr 20, 2007 Yesterday
Oct 26, 2004 Yesterday
Aug 5, 2003 Yesterday
Aug 5, 2003 Yesterday
Aug 5, 2003 Yesterday
Aug 15, 2003 Yesterday
Aug 5, 2003 Yesterday
Mar 2, 2006 Yesterday
Jan 4, 2006 Yesterday
Jan 4, 2006 Yesterday
Mar 23, 2006 Yesterday
Jan 4, 2006 Yesterday
Jan 4, 2006 Yesterday
Jan 4, 2006 Yesterday
Jan 4, 2006 Yesterday
Jan 4, 2006 Yesterday
Nov 2, 2010 Yesterday
Nov 2, 2010 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Dec 17, 2018 Yesterday
Dec 17, 2018 Yesterday
Dec 17, 2018 Yesterday
Dec 17, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
  • · No data
  • · 1-minute data, medium quality since Jan 1, 2001
  • · 1-minute and tick data, premium* quality

* - We control the quality of historical data and provide only those data intervals that we are 100% sure of, regarding both minute and tick data.


No Exotic


No Exotic

Exotic - 95 pairs, premium* quality

Mar 14, 2007 Yesterday
Aug 5, 2003 Yesterday
Aug 13, 2010 Yesterday
Oct 26, 2004 Yesterday
Mar 14, 2007 Yesterday
Mar 14, 2007 Yesterday
Mar 14, 2007 Yesterday
Jan 5, 2016 Yesterday
Aug 5, 2003 Yesterday
Mar 15, 2007 Yesterday
Apr 1, 2007 Yesterday
Jun 5, 2007 Yesterday
Mar 14, 2007 Yesterday
Mar 15, 2007 Yesterday
Mar 14, 2007 Yesterday
Mar 14, 2007 Yesterday
Mar 14, 2007 Yesterday
Mar 14, 2007 Yesterday
Aug 5, 2003 Yesterday
Mar 14, 2007 Yesterday
Aug 5, 2003 Yesterday
Dec 17, 2018 Yesterday
Nov 19, 2014 Feb 20, 2015
Jan 5, 2016 Yesterday
Mar 15, 2007 Yesterday
Dec 17, 2018 Yesterday
Dec 17, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
May 11, 2010 Yesterday
Jun 28, 2012 Yesterday
Mar 14, 2007 Yesterday
Jun 5, 2007 Yesterday
Mar 15, 2007 Nov 30, 2018
Dec 17, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 14, 2007 Yesterday
Mar 14, 2007 May 20, 2016
Jun 5, 2007 Jan 16, 2015
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Dec 17, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 14, 2017 Yesterday
Dec 16, 2016 Yesterday
Apr 1, 2013 Yesterday
Dec 17, 2018 Yesterday
Jun 1, 2019 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Dec 17, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Dec 17, 2018 Yesterday
Dec 17, 2018 Yesterday
Dec 17, 2018 Yesterday
Dec 17, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Dec 17, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Dec 17, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Dec 17, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Dec 17, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Dec 20, 2016 Yesterday
Jun 1, 2013 Jun 30, 2016
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Dec 17, 2018 Yesterday
Dec 17, 2018 Yesterday
Dec 17, 2018 Yesterday
Dec 17, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
  • · No data
  • · 1-minute and tick data, premium* quality

* - We control the quality of historical data and provide only those data intervals that we are 100% sure of, regarding both minute and tick data.


No Commodities


No Commodities

Commodities - 22 pairs, premium* quality

Nov 19, 2014 Yesterday
Nov 19, 2014 Yesterday
Nov 19, 2014 Yesterday
Nov 19, 2014 Yesterday
Nov 19, 2014 Yesterday
Nov 19, 2014 Yesterday
Dec 1, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 19, 2014 Yesterday
Nov 19, 2014 Yesterday
Nov 19, 2014 Yesterday
Sep 4, 2012 Yesterday
Jan 2, 2013 Yesterday
Sep 1, 2007 Yesterday
Mar 1, 2011 Yesterday
May 1, 2010 Yesterday
Dec 3, 2010 Yesterday
Oct 21, 2017 Yesterday
Dec 5, 2017 Yesterday
Oct 21, 2017 Yesterday
Dec 27, 2017 Yesterday
Oct 21, 2017 Yesterday
Oct 3, 2017 Yesterday
  • · No data
  • · 1-minute and tick data, premium* quality

* - We control the quality of historical data and provide only those data intervals that we are 100% sure of, regarding both minute and tick data.

Metals - 2 pairs, medium quality

1 month of data for backtesting
1 month of data for backtesting

Metals - 2 pairs, medium quality

Jan 1, 2001 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2001 Yesterday

Metals - 20 pairs, premium* quality

Jan 1, 2014 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2014 Yesterday
May 6, 2003 Yesterday
May 6, 2003 Yesterday
Mar 5, 2012 Yesterday
Nov 19, 2014 Jun 3, 2016
Nov 19, 2014 Jun 3, 2016
May 1, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 19, 2014 Yesterday
Mar 1, 2010 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2014 Yesterday
Mar 1, 2010 Yesterday
Mar 1, 2010 Yesterday
Nov 19, 2014 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Mar 18, 2018 Yesterday
Jun 1, 2009 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2011 Yesterday
  • · No data
  • · 1-minute data, medium quality since Jan 1, 2001
  • · 1-minute and tick data, premium* quality

* - We control the quality of historical data and provide only those data intervals that we are 100% sure of, regarding both minute and tick data.


No Indexes


No Indexes

Indexes - 111 pairs, premium* quality

Mar 1, 2010 Jun 18, 2021
Mar 1, 2010 Yesterday
Mar 1, 2010 Mar 4, 2016
Mar 1, 2010 Apr 22, 2016
Jan 2, 2013 Yesterday
Nov 19, 2014 Yesterday
Nov 19, 2014 Yesterday
Nov 19, 2014 Yesterday
Nov 19, 2014 Yesterday
Nov 19, 2014 Yesterday
Nov 19, 2014 Sep 24, 2021
Nov 19, 2014 Yesterday
Nov 19, 2014 Jun 17, 2016
Nov 19, 2014 Yesterday
Nov 19, 2014 Yesterday
Nov 19, 2014 Yesterday
Nov 19, 2014 Sep 11, 2015
Nov 19, 2014 Yesterday
Dec 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 19, 2014 Yesterday
Dec 17, 2018 Yesterday
Nov 1, 2007 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2002 Yesterday
Dec 1, 2009 Yesterday
Jun 3, 2014 Yesterday
Jan 2, 2013 Yesterday
Jan 2, 2013 Yesterday
Jun 3, 2014 Yesterday
Jun 3, 2014 Yesterday
Jan 2, 2013 Yesterday
Jun 4, 2013 Yesterday
Jan 2, 2013 Yesterday
Jan 2, 2013 Yesterday
Jan 2, 2013 Yesterday
Jan 2, 2013 Yesterday
May 1, 2013 May 8, 2020
Dec 1, 2007 Yesterday
Nov 1, 2007 Yesterday
Dec 1, 2007 Aug 31, 2017
Oct 1, 2014 Yesterday
Oct 1, 2014 Yesterday
Jun 1, 2009 Yesterday
Oct 1, 2007 Yesterday
Oct 1, 2007 Yesterday
Oct 1, 2007 Yesterday
Oct 1, 2007 Yesterday
Oct 1, 2007 Yesterday
Oct 1, 2007 Yesterday
Oct 1, 2007 Yesterday
Oct 1, 2007 Yesterday
Dec 1, 2013 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2013 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2013 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2013 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2013 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2015 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2013 Yesterday
Nov 1, 2007 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2013 Feb 28, 2014
Feb 1, 2013 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2013 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2013 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2015 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2013 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2013 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2013 Feb 28, 2014
Feb 1, 2013 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2015 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2013 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2013 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2013 Feb 28, 2014
Jan 1, 2015 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2015 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2013 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2013 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2015 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2013 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2013 Feb 28, 2014
Jan 1, 2015 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2013 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2013 Feb 28, 2014
Jan 1, 2015 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2013 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2013 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2015 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2015 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2013 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2015 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2013 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2013 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2015 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2013 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2015 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2015 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2013 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2015 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2015 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2013 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2015 Yesterday
Dec 17, 2018 Yesterday
Dec 17, 2018 Yesterday
Dec 17, 2018 Yesterday
Dec 17, 2018 Yesterday
Dec 17, 2018 Yesterday
Dec 17, 2018 Yesterday
May 3, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 18, 2017 Yesterday
Dec 2, 2017 Yesterday
Sep 23, 2014 Yesterday
Dec 2, 2017 Yesterday
Dec 2, 2017 Yesterday
  • · No data
  • · 1-minute and tick data, premium* quality

* - We control the quality of historical data and provide only those data intervals that we are 100% sure of, regarding both minute and tick data.


No Stocks US


No Stocks US

Stocks US - 369 pairs, premium* quality

Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Feb 17, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
May 26, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Oct 2, 2019
Aug 26, 2015 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Jun 28, 2019
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
Oct 3, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 22, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Sep 7, 2016 Yesterday
Oct 3, 2016 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
Oct 3, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 8, 2016 Yesterday
Sep 28, 2016 Yesterday
Apr 10, 2015 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Jul 20, 2021
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Aug 8, 2019
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Sep 7, 2016 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Apr 23, 2015 Yesterday
Sep 7, 2016 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 8, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
Sep 7, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 7, 2017 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
Jul 8, 2016 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Oct 3, 2016 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
Mar 27, 2015 Yesterday
Jul 7, 2016 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Nov 20, 2019
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
Jul 8, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Nov 26, 2018
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Jul 8, 2016 Yesterday
Jan 6, 2017 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Jul 5, 2021
Apr 1, 2015 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Apr 1, 2015 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 16, 2016 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Dec 20, 2018
Nov 7, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 16, 2018 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Oct 3, 2016 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Apr 7, 2015 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 9, 2016 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 7, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 2, 2016 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
Jul 8, 2016 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
Apr 22, 2015 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Aug 8, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Jul 8, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
Jun 17, 2015 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Jul 7, 2016 Yesterday
Aug 8, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Jul 8, 2016 Yesterday
Aug 8, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 11, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 2, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 7, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 6, 2015 Yesterday
Nov 8, 2016 Yesterday
Apr 17, 2015 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Jul 8, 2016 Oct 24, 2018
Jul 11, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 7, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 May 30, 2018
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Aug 8, 2016 Jan 15, 2021
Nov 15, 2016 May 28, 2018
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 16, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 16, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 16, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 16, 2017 Apr 2, 2020
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 16, 2017 Yesterday
Aug 8, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 16, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 16, 2017 Yesterday
Jul 8, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 16, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 16, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 16, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 16, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 16, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 16, 2017 Yesterday
Jul 7, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 11, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 16, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 16, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 16, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 16, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 16, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 16, 2017 Yesterday
Nov 16, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 27, 2017 Yesterday
Jan 31, 2018 Yesterday
Jan 1, 2014 Yesterday
Jun 1, 2009 Jun 16, 2017
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Jan 31, 2018 Yesterday
Jan 31, 2018 Yesterday
Jan 31, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2018 Dec 6, 2019
Feb 1, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2018 Dec 4, 2019
Feb 1, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 1, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Nov 4, 2019
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Oct 2, 2020
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 3, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Jul 9, 2019
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Apr 2, 2020
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Dec 6, 2019
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Nov 4, 2019
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Jan 6, 2021
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Dec 4, 2019
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
Feb 2, 2018 Yesterday
  • · No data
  • · 1-minute and tick data, premium* quality

* - We control the quality of historical data and provide only those data intervals that we are 100% sure of, regarding both minute and tick data.


No Stocks EU


No Stocks EU

Stocks EU - 142 pairs, premium* quality

Jun 17, 2015 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Mar 13, 2018
Nov 22, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Yesterday
Jun 17, 2015 Yesterday
Sep 7, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 3, 2017 Yesterday
Mar 16, 2015 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
May 12, 2017 Nov 28, 2018
Sep 28, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Sep 7, 2016 Yesterday
Jun 17, 2015 Yesterday
Sep 7, 2016 Yesterday
Mar 23, 2015 Yesterday
Apr 9, 2015 Yesterday
Sep 7, 2016 Yesterday
Mar 25, 2015 Yesterday
Oct 3, 2016 Yesterday
Oct 3, 2016 Yesterday
Apr 10, 2015 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Oct 3, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 9, 2016 Yesterday
Jun 17, 2015 Yesterday
Nov 9, 2016 Yesterday
Apr 9, 2015 Yesterday
Oct 3, 2016 Yesterday
Jun 17, 2015 Yesterday
Mar 30, 2015 Yesterday
Nov 9, 2016 Yesterday
Apr 15, 2015 Yesterday
Mar 26, 2015 Yesterday
Oct 3, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 May 7, 2021
Oct 3, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Oct 3, 2016 Oct 22, 2018
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 4, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 8, 2016 Yesterday
Oct 3, 2016 Yesterday
Oct 3, 2016 Yesterday
Apr 21, 2015 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Apr 2, 2015 Yesterday
Oct 3, 2016 Yesterday
Apr 13, 2015 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 8, 2016 Yesterday
Jun 17, 2015 Yesterday
Oct 3, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 May 28, 2019
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Apr 22, 2015 Yesterday
Nov 8, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Apr 14, 2015 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 8, 2016 Yesterday
Oct 3, 2016 Yesterday
Jun 18, 2015 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Apr 22, 2015 Yesterday
Jun 18, 2015 Yesterday
Jun 17, 2015 Yesterday
Aug 8, 2016 Yesterday
Apr 22, 2015 Yesterday
Nov 9, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Mar 25, 2015 Yesterday
Apr 22, 2015 Yesterday
Nov 8, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 4, 2016 Yesterday
Jun 17, 2015 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 9, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 4, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 9, 2016 Yesterday
Aug 8, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 4, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 4, 2016 Yesterday
Apr 22, 2015 Yesterday
Nov 10, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 9, 2016 Yesterday
Apr 21, 2015 Yesterday
Nov 16, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Aug 8, 2016 Yesterday
Aug 9, 2016 Yesterday
Apr 17, 2015 Yesterday
Aug 8, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Aug 8, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 8, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 6, 2015 Yesterday
Apr 16, 2015 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 8, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 1, 2016 Yesterday
Aug 7, 2015 Yesterday
Apr 21, 2015 Yesterday
Aug 7, 2015 Apr 1, 2019
Nov 8, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 8, 2016 Yesterday
Aug 7, 2015 Yesterday
Nov 8, 2016 Yesterday
Aug 10, 2015 Yesterday
Aug 7, 2015 Yesterday
Nov 4, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 8, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 8, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 8, 2016 Yesterday
Apr 15, 2015 Yesterday
Nov 10, 2016 Yesterday
Apr 16, 2015 Yesterday
Jun 16, 2015 Yesterday
Nov 8, 2016 Yesterday
Aug 10, 2015 Yesterday
Nov 8, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Nov 27, 2020
Aug 8, 2016 Yesterday
Aug 8, 2016 Yesterday
Apr 15, 2015 Yesterday
Nov 8, 2016 Yesterday
Apr 15, 2015 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 9, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 15, 2016 Yesterday
Aug 10, 2015 Yesterday
Sep 1, 2007 Mar 27, 2020
  • · No data
  • · 1-minute and tick data, premium* quality

* - We control the quality of historical data and provide only those data intervals that we are 100% sure of, regarding both minute and tick data.


No Stocks UK


No Stocks UK

Stocks UK - 48 pairs, premium* quality

Sep 7, 2016 Yesterday
Sep 7, 2016 Aug 9, 2021
Sep 7, 2016 Yesterday
Sep 7, 2016 Yesterday
Sep 7, 2016 Yesterday
Sep 7, 2016 Yesterday
Sep 7, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 11, 2016 Yesterday
Nov 2, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 7, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 11, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 11, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 8, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 8, 2016 Apr 30, 2021
Jul 8, 2016 May 18, 2018
Jul 8, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 8, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 8, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 11, 2016 Dec 4, 2019
Jul 7, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 8, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 8, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 8, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 11, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 7, 2016 Jan 28, 2021
Jul 8, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 11, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 8, 2016 Oct 26, 2021
Jul 11, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 8, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 7, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 11, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 8, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 11, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 8, 2016 May 28, 2021
Jul 8, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 11, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 11, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 11, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 8, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 11, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 8, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 11, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 11, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 7, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 11, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 7, 2016 Yesterday
Dec 27, 2017 Yesterday
  • · No data
  • · 1-minute and tick data, premium* quality

* - We control the quality of historical data and provide only those data intervals that we are 100% sure of, regarding both minute and tick data.


No Stocks Canada


No Stocks Canada

Stocks Canada - 8 pairs, premium* quality

Aug 12, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 11, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 7, 2016 Yesterday
Aug 8, 2016 Yesterday
Jul 8, 2016 May 25, 2018
Jul 7, 2016 Dec 28, 2018
Jul 7, 2016 Dec 21, 2018
Aug 8, 2016 Yesterday
  • · No data
  • · 1-minute and tick data, premium* quality

* - We control the quality of historical data and provide only those data intervals that we are 100% sure of, regarding both minute and tick data.


No Stocks India


No Stocks India

Stocks India - 1 pair, premium* quality

Jul 11, 2016 Yesterday
  • · No data
  • · 1-minute and tick data, premium* quality

* - We control the quality of historical data and provide only those data intervals that we are 100% sure of, regarding both minute and tick data.


No Futures


No Futures

Futures - 2 pairs, premium* quality

Mar 1, 2010 Dec 20, 2018
Jul 11, 2016 Yesterday
  • · No data
  • · 1-minute and tick data, premium* quality

* - We control the quality of historical data and provide only those data intervals that we are 100% sure of, regarding both minute and tick data.


Limited functionality of Easy Forex Builder


Unlimited access to Easy Forex Builder


Unlimited access to Easy Forex Builder

Try all algorithms of Strategy Optimizer on 1 month

Full grid algorithm of Strategy Optimizer


Unlimited access to AI-based Strategy Optimizer


No bonus

10 simple manual strategies to start

  • Martingale Grid & Hedging
  • Martingale hedging with exponential lot increase
  • Simple short-term strategy
  • Engulfing bars
  • GBP/USD simple breakout system
  • Simple “Make Pips” Strategy
  • The Trader vs. the Coin
  • Accurate Trading Strategy
  • The Hedging Strategy
  • The Tsunami Method

10 simple manual strategies to start

  • Martingale Grid & Hedging
  • Martingale hedging with exponential lot increase
  • Simple short-term strategy
  • Engulfing bars
  • GBP/USD simple breakout system
  • Simple “Make Pips” Strategy
  • The Trader vs. the Coin
  • Accurate Trading Strategy
  • The Hedging Strategy
  • The Tsunami Method

5 price action-based EAs along with a detailed instruction on the strategies' rules

5 price action-based EAs along with a detailed instruction on the strategies' rules

11-step plan on how to get the most out of backtesting

11-step plan on how to get the most out of backtesting

Risk calculation + Money management table

Risk calculation + Money management table

“How to choose a broker” guide

“How to choose a broker” guide

“20 indicators to try today to improve your trading tomorrow”

“20 indicators to try today to improve your trading tomorrow”

* - We control the quality of historical data and provide only those data intervals that we are 100% sure of, regarding both minute and tick data.
6 reasons to choose Super Data for Forex Tester

1. +860 symbols

Every trader should have a choice of which trading instrument to choose.

No one should be limited only to the most common currencies. There are many traders who want to trade majors and the most popular crosses. But there are also plenty of people who want to trade the currencies of their countries. Others desire to learn how to trade very rare currency pairs, popular stocks, indexes and commodities.

Forex Tester’s paid services allow you to practice trading with all 860 symbols (instead of 18 symbols of the beginner subscription type). Why go for less when you can get more with some decent payment? Trade gold, Dow Jones Industrial Index and Russian Ruble; make use of silver, IBM stocks, Honk Kong dollar and S&P 500.

Solution: Every dollar you spend on your education will be multiplied afterward. Never refuse to invest in your knowledge and skills!

2. Tick data

Forex tick data shows the real non-simplified market conditions. If the price changed 45 times during the current candlestick then you need to see all those changes. 1-min data will only show 4 prices to you: open, high, low and close.

Example: imagine that you are using a short-term strategy or a scalping strategy. You use a free Forex data feed that provides you with just 4 prices on each 1-min candlestick. For long-term strategies this option is sufficient, but what if your trade lasts for less than one minute? Most of the scalpers close their orders in 20-30 seconds and each tick is incredibly important for the final result. With Forex tick data you will also get that specific feeling as if you are trading online. This is a crucial factor in your psychological growth as a trader.

Solution: buy historical tick data and trade like on a real market.

3. Floating spread

Not only do the price and volumes change on the Forex market, but the spread tends to be different depending on the varying circumstances on the market. Before and especially during big news the spread can become altered significantly. You might learn the simplified version of Forex, then go to a real market and find out that your version has nothing to deal with reality.

Solution: purchase high-qualitative historical financial data and get used to the real conditions from the start.

4. Daily update

Traders are interested in using the historical financial data of the latest events. It is certainly useful to test your trading system on the historical Forex data of the previous years but most people want to backtest them on yesterday’s historical tick data.

Example 1: If today is the 14th of February then you have to wait for 2 more weeks in order to backtest your strategy on the February’s historical Forex rates. With paid services there is an opportunity to download today’s market data feed the next day.

Example 2: You were at work and you’ve missed good trades that happened in the afternoon. You have 2 options: feel bad about it, or download this Forex data feed tomorrow and test how would your strategy perform in those circumstances.

Solution: Do not wait for months – buy it now.

5. High-quality data

We honestly declare that our free service data from Forexite is of a medium quality. It is a fair limitation for our clients – it distinguishes serious traders from amateurs because serious traders will get the high-quality data.

Some people often complain that they have to purchase the data additionally to Forex Tester. But when you buy a car you do not expect to get a free lifetime gasoline supply. You might get just a bit of gasoline to start with, but afterwards you have to buy more. We provide free lifetime gasoline (data) for your strategies. If you want to get the best data then you can purchase it from our site.

Solution: getting the paid data provides you with the most comprehending and qualitative tool.

6. AI-based Strategy Optimizer

Basic Data: Full grid algorithm at Forexite data Super Data subscription: Full grid algorithm + all AI-based algorithms + all the data and symbols available.

Full grid. This algorithm is the simplest and lacks AI methods. Every test run, called iteration, it goes through every single combination of a given set of parameters based on historical data. The more combinations, the more iterations, the more time it takes to get results. The accuracy of the method is the highest - up to 99% but the speed is the lowest.

Neural Network is an AI based algorithm. Thanks to the complex mathematical formulas that underlie this algorithm, it can select the strategy parameters with a high level of accuracy - up to 95%. This precision achieved by using a very small dataset, so you can get the result 10-100 times faster in comparison with a full grid (Brute Force) test.

XGBoost. Algorithm based on AI. Takes advantage of the most powerful and advanced ML-technique, which allows to perform parallel tree boosting to filter out inappropriate options as early as possible. It provides an even faster work than a Neural Network without loss of the result accuracy (up to 95%).

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Forex historical data is a must-have tool for back testing and trading. Forex data can be compared to fuel and software that uses this data is like an engine. Without high-quality tick data data package, it is impossible to analyze the market and make trading or backtesting decisions. If the auto does not have any fuel then no matter how great your engine is – it is useless. Most of the people who are into Forex are trying to find tick by tick data. The reason for that is simple: good and classy historical Forex rates can guarantee that your backtesting results are correct. Your strategy can be wonderful but if you do not use good historical market data, you will never know about the quality of this strategy. Just imagine the situation when you use bad historical Forex data. In this case, you make decisions and refine your strategy as always but after that you go to the real market and find out that your knowledge and skills do not work there. Probably you will blame your emotions as the cause of these faults. Maybe you will think that it is all about Forex market that changes so quickly and leaves your considerations out-of-date. But there is a chance that the issue is about your Forex data feed. If the market data feed you are currently using leaves much to be desired, then everything is worthless.

Forex Tester gives you an opportunity to get the best Forex historical data. Download it from our server right now and you will never have to think about technical issues related to the data quality. For those clients who back test scalping strategies, Forex tick data is the number one thing to have.

We offer 2 types of
Historical Data subscriptions:


(Forexite free data) subscription (free minute data)

Super subscription

(minute and tick data of high quality)

Thus, you can always choose the option that suits you the most:

Free historical data

Free historical data is available for anyone who has purchased the Forex Tester license (23 years of historical data for 18 symbols). You can download historical data for the last 23 years from our server and test your strategies on such a long period of time. This data is absolutely enough to understand whether a particular strategy is profitable or not.

Super subscription

Super subscription, in its turn, is a paid service. This type of data subscription is more suitable for traders who use trading strategies that depend on even small price fluctuations. As you can see in the comparison table above, this paid data service provides you with:

  • Accurate data without "shortcomings"
  • Much more symbols for backtesting (860+ symbols)
  • Daily updates for testing "yesterday's data"
  • 5-digits data (3 digits for pairs which include Japanese yen)

The advantage of the Super subscription

The advantage of the Super subscription is that it includes tick data with floating spread. Tick data shows all the price changes, even the smallest ones. For example, the price changed 36 times in 1 minute. If you use minute data, you will see 4 prices of this bar: Open, High, Low, Close. If you use tick data, you will notice (in this particular case) all 36 changes.

Historical tick data will also be extremely useful for getting the most accurate results even for non-scalping strategies. Even the smallest price changes affect the results of you testing in a long run. That is why we recommend you to spend some time evaluating different data sources and considering which history data to select.

Order tick-by-tick data for the
smallest price possible!

When you have decided to purchase Forex historical data from our web source, you will probably notice that it is more profitable to subscribe for several months of data at a time. Forex data as any other product is cheaper if you buy many items at once.

Therefore, our tick data package, as well as 1-min data, has three different purchase types: you can get 1 month or 12 months of the well-picked and organized historical Forex data, or get the unlimited access to our minute or tick-by-tick data (by purchasing a lifetime license). In case if you take Forex seriously and you are sure that you will be on the currency market for your entire life, you should consider purchasing 12 months of historical market data or the lifetime data package.

Those who have selected 12 months will save about 40% of the price depending on the subscription type to the Forex data feed (in comparison with the 1-month subscription). When purchasing the lifetime subscription, you pay just once, and in comparison with the 1-month subscription, your money will be compensated less than in 1 year. As you see, it is better to purchase the whole package of the market data feed: it is more profitable and more convenient.

Our Forex history data includes data for:

  • 7 majors
  • 29 cross pairs
  • 22 commodities
  • 95 exotic pairs
  • 111 indexes
  • 2 futures
  • 6 cryptocurrencies
  • and 568 stocks

We give our users an opportunity to have an alternative to Forex historical data. Download this valuable information and back test your trading system on the completely different markets, adapt your strategy and get stable profits using on any financial instrument.

Forex tick data is the best investment one can make into his or her growth as a trader. We spent much of time recording historical tick data. It was never so easy to get Forex data! Download it and start using one of the most accurate and reliable services on the Internet.

*the subscription allows you to download Forex historical data from the very first date in the database till the day your subscription expires. Watch a tutorial on how to use data service here.

If you do not have Forex Tester, you can download data in the CSV format. Free CSV data is are available here.

In addition to historical data, the Forex Tester users have access to our Historical News service. It is useful for traders as it helps them to predict the market moves and plan their trading strategies accordingly.

The news service provides news in accordance with the type of subscription to historical data that the user has selected. Together with the free historical data, all users will get access to the most important historical news for USD. The Super subscription provides news of low, medium and high importance for the 9 main currencies.


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