How to become Forex Affiliate and increase profits easily [Guide]

So you have a Forex related site, you have your own base of clients and a flow of new clients who visit your site every day. You have a stable income but you want to increase its value without making extra efforts and without spending too much time. The best thing you can do in this situation is to become a Forex Tester affiliate.

The Forex affiliate program that our company provides will help you earn more, work less, and at the same time help to your site's visitors to get high-quality software for backtesting. If you make a decision to become one of our Forex affiliates you will be able to improve your clients’ trading skills and therefore get more endorsements from satisfied users and more new clients. Do not miss an opportunity to make use of Forex affiliate marketing and take your network to a new level.

Be sure to get a PayPal account, because we pay the commission using this system only.
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How the affiliate system works (a step-by-step guide)

Click on Forex Tester's affiliate link
You place the affiliate link on your site, blog or social network, email it to your subscribers, etc.
Click on Forex Tester's affiliate link
Whenever a person clicks on this link they come to Forex Tester's official website.
Affiliate system marks a potential client
And this person becomes marked by our affiliate system as one who came to us because of you.
The client buys Forex Tester during 180 days
When this potential client buys our software within the next 180 days...
Forex Tester's affiliates get commissions
You get a 25% commission from the price of Forex Tester license and data.

How to register for one of the best Forex affiliate programs?

Please check the Rules for our Forex Tester Affiliate System.
Register for one of the best Forex affiliate programs by filling in the form and creating your account.
Forex affiliates need to place a link into the banner, article or screenshot
After receiving approval in our Forex affiliate program you will receive a confirmation via email. You can login and get a special affiliate HTML link, that you can use on your site to redirect potential customers to our site.
Forex affiliates need to place a link into the banner, article or screenshot
To finish the procedure of becoming one of our Forex affiliates you need to put a banner, article or screenshot that contains this link. You can also use this link on blogs, forums and social networks.

Please do not forget to visit the Affiliate Resource page, where we provide you with additional information about Forex affiliate programs. You will find standard banners that you can use for promotions.

How can Forex affiliates get a commission?

If you are one of our Forex affiliates and you have already earned some commission, then please send your requests to this email: and we will send you the money within a few business days to your Pay Pal account. Forex affiliate marketing gives you an opportunity to get a stable income and provide more users with qualitative software.


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